Le service funéraire de confiance pour la protection des familles.
Thomas Krampf was a splendid father and husband, a remarkable man, a friend to so many people, no matter their country of origin, gender, race, education, or place in the community. He had a global intelligence, a quick wit, an admirable sense of ambition off-set by a deep modesty and humility.One of his arts was poetry, another was friendship. I and my late husband David McKain were honored to be among his friends, grateful for his frequent hospitality and generosity to us, and always glad to be with him and his wife Francoise, as well as in the company of his amazing three daughters. I will never forget his laughter or his wisdom. Whether at his writing desk, in the garden, hosting poetry events, or on spiritual retreat, Tom lived fully and deeply-- a life well lived. Bon voyage, dear Tom.
Margaret Gibson- 22-11-22
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